Steve Woodhead

Steve Woodhead has been potting since 1980. Although he had no formal training in ceramics, other than evening classes, he attended numerous workshops to make up the deficiency.

He moved to Rugby from his home in Scarbourough, Yorkshire, in 1987 and set up the workshop where he still can be found. Building his experience using various bodies and glazes, he became a fellow of the Craft Potters Association in 1993. He found the style for which he is now instantly recognized in 1995 - brightly coloured work in highly original, sometimes eccentric forms.

Steve's work is thrown and hand-built. He uses surface texture to affect his multi-layered glazes. The colours become deeper and more saturated in the lows and thinner on the highs. The textures, which are achieved various ways, complement the form of the pot giving very pleasing chromatic effects.

He biscuit fires his work in an electric kiln and the reduction firing is in a gas kiln at 1275 to 1300°C.

Steve's work is exhibited widely and he has a busy schedule of demonstrations and workshops.

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